Snark Scribe

Not all of us can meet people of quality

Monday, October 30, 2006

Colostomy Bags

I decide to test the theory that one could buy anything on eBay. I wondered, what is the most ridiculous thing that someone could sell on eBay?

I'm not sure how it occurred to me, but I decided to look up colostomy bags.

Not only were there colostomy bags for sale, but there were many sellers selling poop pouches.

Then I realized the disturbing thing is not that there are sellers, but there are buyers.

On a regular basis, someone has to think "Hey man, I can get a good deal on my medical supplies if I buy from a stranger on the internet."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look mate don't be such a pompous over opinionated fagot you need to get off of your computer stop talking about excrement and get a life you loser come speak to me ill sort you out. Alex

6:41 AM  

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