Crapper the Cat
Someone told me about a cat they own, whose nickname is "Crapper."
This is because the cat expresses its displeasure through bowel movements. Crapper has decided it's too good to eat dry cat food. If Crapper's owner doesn't get up at 4 AM in the morning to give it wet cat food, Crapper will leave doody piles in the house.
This cat knows how to use a litter box. It will actually pee in the litter box, then defiantly step outside of it to leave a solid deposit just beyond the periphery.
At first, Crapper's Owner (CO) thought she could put a plastic liner around the litter box to solve the problem. The selectively incontinent cat decided to travel a little further, and poop just outside the edge of the liner.
Then CO put a very large plastic sheet under the box, covering the entire floor.
Crapper decided to leave a landmine in the hallway.
Eventually, CO left out a bowl of dry cat food for 3 days, and the petulant feline regained its potty training . . .
. . . until CO got a boyfriend. Crapper pooped until he left.
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