Snark Scribe

Not all of us can meet people of quality

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Unusual Uses for Play-Doh

My friend "Moe" was in the toy section of his local Walgreens when a woman asked him, "Excuse me, what type of Play-doh would you recommend?"

"Um," he said, "depends on what you're using it for."

"I'm making little figures of people."

"I'm not sure. I guess any kind is fine."

She then struck up a conversation with him and found out he was a history major in college. She then explained her own fascination with history, especially that pertaining to Louisiana and Marie Laveau.

As she rambled on, Moe realized she was going to use the Play-Doh to make voodoo dolls. However, being too polite to extricate himself, he continued listening, with a growing sense of unease.

Eventually, she said, "Hey, I have a daughter your age. Maybe you two could have lunch."

When he demurred, she gave him a flirty look and said, "I know what spell I'm going to cast when I get home."

Personally, I wouldn't be too worried. If she's getting voodoo supplies at Walgreens I doubt she's much of a witch.

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