Snark Scribe

Not all of us can meet people of quality

Friday, March 21, 2008

Pizza Misfits

I was with a group of friends and we decided to order a pizza.

I'm allergic to tomatoes, so we couldn't have sauce.
One friend is a vegetarian, so we couldn't have meat.
Two people keep kosher, so we couldn't have dairy and meat on the same pizza.
Some other people are simply picky eaters who veto certain toppings.

We finally settled on a pizza with dough, cheese, green chili peppers and bell peppers. It was the strangest pizza I've ever had, but it could have been worse. We had two friends that were not present at the gathering:

One is lactose intolerant, so we wouldn't have been able to get cheese.
The other has celiac disease, so we wouldn't have had wheat dough.

Mmmm, bell peppers with chilies.

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Blogger Ex-Restaurant Manager said...

I imagine there's a 'Pizza Blogger' out there somewhere who's writing a post about you guys ;)

7:41 AM  

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