Snark Scribe

Not all of us can meet people of quality

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sock Model

Someone told me that a guy I used to go to school with is now a model.

After I finished laughing and gasping for breath I said, "No, really. What is he doing?"

"He's a model."

"What does he model, socks?"

"I don't know. Apparently he photographs well."

"If he looks anything like the way I remember, he's modeling motorcyle helmets."

"Who knows?"

"Maybe the magic of puberty turned him from a skinny, pale, odd-looking guy into an A&F wannabe. No, not magic. Miracle."

Some time later I got my chance to see him at an event. He was still a skinny, pale, odd-looking guy who was not even particularly tall.

Still, I thought there was a chance that he's one of those people that look normal in person but for some reason are beloved by the camera.

I got a group photo from the party. He looked even odder in the picture.

I now have 3 theories:
1) He once had a soft-focus, from-the-shoulders-up, photo-shopped "glamour shots" session. He now passes the photo around as a sign of his "potential" for modeling.
2) His parents own a business and used him in an advertisement. He now tells people he's a model to pick up chicks.
3) He models furry suits.

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