Snark Scribe

Not all of us can meet people of quality

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Smurf-Related Trauma

Many people have fond memories of childhood cartoons. I am no exception. However, I must say that my memories related to the Smurfs are less than fond.

1. There was an episode of the Smurfs where time was broken, and they shifted between night and day every few seconds. To convey this, the television screen continually flashed between light and dark. My mother saw me watching this and thought that the TV was broken. I could not convince her it was part of the show, and my dear friend Television was tossed out. (FYI, it was one of those ridiculously heavy ones that were built into ornate cabinets. I think they were popular in the 80s). The warm, comforting glow of my giant buddy was snatched from me due to an episode of the Smurfs.

2. When I was 4 or 5 years old I had a nightmare in which the entire Smurf village ganged up to assault me. Cook Smurf was particularly violent and resorted to throwing pots and pans at my head. I've woken up screaming before, but I think that was the only time I've ever woken up screaming and crying loudly enough to merit adult intervention.

You may proceed to mock me cruelly now.



Blogger Ex-Restaurant Manager said...

I used to have dreams of solving capers with Johnny Quest (yeah, yeah, I know, before your time). Believe me, snark, it's been going on for generations ;)

Speaking of generations, I remember when our family got the first color t.v. on the block. Now who's gonna get ragged?

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are all children! I remember watching "Crusader Rabbit" cartoons (black and white) when I was a child and "animated" meant their legs moved, nothing else, just their legs would spin like a pinwheel. And we used to watch the test pattern on the television because TV wasn't on all day, just a couple of hours a day. Man, I'm old! Google "Crusader Rabbit" and see for yourself!

2:21 AM  
Blogger Snark Scribe said...

Pinwheel legs? Egads, I had it good.

11:45 AM  

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